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In Washington state, new modeling from a Bellevue research institute shows

While distancing orders are still in place in many states and the new coronavirus continues to spread, a team of federal officials is working on a public health plan for how to reopen parts of the country. Meanwhile, President Donald Trump announced Tuesday San Seattle News that he’s halting funding to the World Health Organization, accusing the organization of failing to do enough to stop the virus from spreading.

In Washington state, new modeling from a Bellevue research institute shows the transmission of the virus has slowed more than expected in King, Pierce and Snohomish counties, though the progress remains precarious. The number of confirmed infections and deaths in Washington is still rising, although at a generally slower pace in recent days. The state Department of Health confirmed an additional 89 diagnoses and 26 deaths from COVID-19 Wednesday, bringing the state’s total to 10,783 cases and 567 deaths.

Throughout today, on this page, we’ll be posting updates from Seattle Times journalists and others on the outbreak and its effects on the Seattle area, the Pacific Northwest and the world. Updates from Tuesday can be found here, and all our coronavirus coverage can be found here.

Another sign the curve is bending: Positive coronavirus tests at UW peaked March 28
A new analysis of tests conducted at the UW Medicine Virology lab adds to the evidence that Washington is bending the curve on the novel coronavirus epidemic.

The percentage of specimens positive for the virus appears to have peaked on March 28 and has been trending downward ever since. If the trend continues, the rate of positive tests could drop below 2% by late April and – potentially – below 1% percent by mid-May. But reaching such low levels is dependent on maintaining the current level of social distancing.

“Our data indicate a true bending of the curve in prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in the Seattle area and the state of Washington,” says the report from researchers at the University of Washington and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

Coronavirus has cost more than 100,000 people around Seattle their jobs. So why aren’t rents going down?
As the novel coronavirus ravages the region’s economy, resulting in the Press Release Distribution Service In San Seattle fastest pace of layoffs on record, Seattle-area rents are continuing to rise, surprising new data shows.

The information arrives at the same time local leaders are calling for rent and mortgage freezes in the face of widespread economic fallout, and complaints about rent increases have drawn the attention of the state attorney general.

Though rent increases are not prohibited by any of the local or state eviction moratoriums prompted by the crisis, the state Attorney General’s Office has said its lawyers are paying close attention to increases that might run afoul of state consumer protection law during the pandemic.

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